Real-Time Sales Response
Eliminate lost opportunities with outsourced inbound sales
Why being fast matters
What Does the Data Say?
Leads are 400% more likely to engage in meaningful conversation if response time is 5-minutes vs 10 and 2,000% if 5 vs 90--Only 7% of your competitors are doing it this fast for sales (even less for recruiting)
Harvard Business Review
The Short Life of Online Sales Leads
Almost half of all businesses struggle to demonstrate sales value in marketing. B2B leads aren't getting calls until 42 hours later--And, in general recruiting falls victim to the same lackadaisical approach.
The State of Marketing 2023
You have a 50% - 70% chance of winning if you're the first to respond to a lead--conversely, you have a 0% chance of winning if you don't respond at all
Harvard Business Review
The Short Life of Online Sales Leads
The median persistency rate is 1 attempt, and fewer than 25% of your competitors are using the phone at any point in their follow-up. Large companies like yours tend to respond faster, so why is recruiting not following suit?
The State of Marketing 2023
Inbound leads don't respond to outbound tactics -- our first responders are inbound sales certified and obsessed with first impressions
Lightning fast
Responding to engagement is most effective if carried out in the first 5-minutes, and our team books the unbookable because we're fast
Our first responders are the very best at dissecting pain exhibited by visitors, and connecting them with qualified solutions
Plugged in
You don't have to reinvent the sales (fly) wheel to work with our first responders--but you do have to be ready for a growing pipeline
Step 1
Engage via content
We're attracting talent by offering valuable content in exchange for their contact information. By getting visitors to submit forms, they're expressing 2 things: Pain + Trust
Step 2
Respond within Minutes
Engagement is fleeting, and our first responders understand the importance of delivering the right message and doing it quickly. They'll pick up the phone and call every qualified lead within minutes of engagement, not hours or days.
Step 3